Religion in Journalism and the Media

Religion in journalism and the media is a very interesting topic. One of the things that I found in my research is that United States citizens are a lot more religious than the media portrays. Most television and journalism completely ignores the fact that people have religious beliefs, unless they’re controversial. For example, during presidential elections the candidates religion almost never comes into play, however, in this past election with Mitt Romney it was all the media could focus on for a long time. It was so amazing that a Mormon was running for office, because some people find our views controversial.

The problem is that journalism, as stated in earlier classes, is a mirror into society. However, the flaw with that is that that mirror effect primarily works on the actual writer. Media is full of non-religious secular people, so of course that’s going to be bleeding into the media and television that is being consumed. Hollywood likes to forget the fact that the majority of Americans have a religion and are actively participating in their congregation, with their families, spouses, children, etc… I personally find it tragic that despite all of the ground that we’ve broken in the world of media and journalism, that we’re still too P.C to try to accurately cover religion in both journalism and media.–relig_b_3573838.html

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